Lehigh Valley
Writers Group
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March 13, 14, 15, 2025

Three Days Featuring:

Tiffany Yates Martin

Keynote Speaker and Main Presenter

Tiffany Yates Martin

Tiffany spent nearly thirty years as an editor working directly with major publishers. She has worked with bestselling New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today award-winning authors. Indie and newer writers have also benefited from her guidance.  Tiffany is the founder of FoxPrint Editorial and author of the bestseller Intuitive Editing: A Creative and Practical Guide to Revising Your Writing.

She's led workshops, presentations, keynotes, and master classes for conferences and writers' groups across the country. She is a frequent contributor to writers' sites and publications like Writer's Digest, Jane Friedman, Writer Unboxed, and more. Tiffany has experience on both sides of the "page": under the pen name Phoebe Fox, she's also the author of six published novels.

Join us for this unique opportunity

The Write Stuff Writers Conference(TM)

=>March 13, 14, 15 2025<=


Three Days - 20 Great Sessions 

plus: 10 Special Events

Most at no additional charge, some with a nominal charge.

(One of the free ones comes with Hors d’Oeuvres)

and: Ample Opportunities for Schmoozing

You Also Get: >>Access to recorded sessions
for the days you register

Special: Price Below for Recorded Sessions Only, Limited Time Access

  Member and Students Non Member










All 3 Days:



Register for The Write Stuff Here

Registration closes March 2, 2025.

After March 2
to register on space available basis.

Agent/Editor Pitching is Back!

What people say about the Write Stuff Writers Conference:


I add my congratulations for a wonderful conference - great content and a mastery of the technology. Thank you so much.

-Martha Cichelli

Here here!  Giving super positive feedback! Grandest. Conference. Ever. Had so much fun!

-Kelly Bender

Yes, this was pioneering work, and all very well done. Congratulations!

-Al Tucher

Thanks for creating a great learning opportunity. I was up writing this morning. It was a gift. 

-Judy England-McCarthy

Having been at many conferences over my many years--writing conferences, nursing conferences, business conferences-- this one was the best----I'll repeat that: THE best.

-Mitzi Flyte

MAJOR kudos to the folks on The Write Stuff Comittee, who not only had to learn a whole new format in how to present a conference, but did so with no technical issues and the same great quality throughout.  

-Laurel Wenson

So join us March 13, 14, 15 for
The Write Stuff Writers Conference 2025!

Register for The Write Stuff Here

Directions and Lodgings

Flash Lit Contest

Registration Policies

Looking to enhance your writing skills?

You have come to the right place. The Write Stuff(tm) offers a sterling faculty of writing and publishing professionals offering 24 events to help get you where you want to be in your writing career.

Scroll down for faculty, detailed course descriptions and schedules.

>Includes limited time access to recorded sessions for the days you register<

Registration closes March 2, 2025.

After March 2
to register on space available basis.

20 Great Sessions Over Three Days

Plus: 10 events to >Limited time access to recorded sessions for the days you register<

Thursday, March 13

Two Half-Day Seminars

All Times East Coast USA

Morning - 9:00-12:00

Michele Chynoweth

The Importance of Self-Editing

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression” Right?

Many writers sadly never polish their books before they send them off to a professional editor, literary agent, publishing house or self-publish. Enter the editing process. Michele Chynoweth will share critical editing tips from her experience as a book coach and editor with several publishing houses that will help you craft the best version of your book  so it will be ready to send off and successfully launch into the world! She will cover:

Writing Craft:

Come up with a great title and plan your book from start to finish by writing a chapter outline and/or table of contents and synopsis.  Learn editing tips on good writing style including: (fiction) story structure or plot, character building, dialogue, setting and building suspense, and (fiction/non-fiction) how to “show not tell” or use description and how to avoid “first-time-writer mistakes” like “showing not telling,” repetition, inconsistent tense and point of view, using cliches, weasel words and so much more!

Editing Process:

Learn hands-on by editing a piece of your work through “track changes,” focusing on above good writing practices and the nuts and bolts of good word choice, chapter/paragraph/sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, etc. Learn the various phases of editing (content editing, copy editing, proofreading) and get answers to your questions: How many times do I need to edit? What resources do I need? How do I find a good professional editor? How much do they charge? At what point is my manuscript finally ready? And more! 


Learn how to format your book for publication, whether you are pitching to literary agents, publishers or getting ready to self-publish.

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Included
Networking Opportunities

Afternoon - 1:00-4:30

Michele Chynoweth

Which Publishing Path to Take?
(Traditional, Hybrid, Self-Publishing)

Learn from an award-winning, best-selling author (and marketing professional) who has been through it all! Michele Chynoweth originally believed (as most writers do) she had the next bestseller and would be discovered by a major publisher. After sending out several queries (and even winning the First Place prize in the Maryland Writers Association Fiction contest), she finally gave up in frustration and self-published her first novel, putting her thirty-plus years of experience as an advertising/marketing/public relations professional successfully to work behind her book. About a year later, on the advice of another author, she submitted it to several Christian publishers and was offered a contract with a traditional publisher. She has since gone on to contract with a literary agent and her novels are currently being published by a large New York publisher. Join her as she discusses all of the pros and cons of traditional vs. self-publishing when it comes to time, money, marketing and more – and how to best approach each publishing path. Michele can talk about publishing from nearly every angle and hopes writers can learn both from her mistakes and success stories!

Market Your Book BEFORE It’s Published!

In addition to being an award-winning author, Michele Chynoweth has worked in the field of marketing and public relations for more than thirty years, including owning her own advertising agency for twenty years. Her marketing expertise has helped her in her own career as an author, landing her numerous book signings, television and radio interviews, newspaper articles, blog guest appearances, speaking engagements—and now movie production of her novel, The Jealous Son!  Learn why it’s important to start marketing your book before it’s published by entering contests, networking, gathering reviews and endorsements, setting up signing and speaking engagements – and building your book launch team so they’re in place when your book is published! Plus learn other basic marketing tips like how to think like a business, come up with a marketing plan, brand yourself, create your website, engage in social media, get radio, TV and newspaper coverage and much more!

>Limited time access to recorded sessions for the days you register<


Thursday Evening, March 13
7:00pm - 9:00pm

The Writers Cafe

An informal discussion, read and critique session,

or just sit and listen. A good place to try out your Page Cuts offering.

All Write Stuff attendees are invited.

>>Live Only - Not Recorded<<

Register for The Write Stuff Here

Registration closes March 2, 2025.

After March 2

to register on space available basis.

Friday, March 14

Full Day Seminar

Morning - 9:00-12:00

Tiffany Yates Martin

Full Day Seminar

How to Seamlessly Weave in Backstory
(without losing your readers)

Master those critical, often misused
storytelling techniques that bring characters to life

Your characters don’t just spring to life fully formed at the beginning of your story. Ideally, if you’ve developed them fully, they are “real,” three-dimensional people with complex backstories and experiences that have shaped who they are at your story’s “point A,” and inform the journey they take in your manuscript. Yet how can you fluidly weave all that depth and complexity into your story without stalling pace and story momentum by getting bogged down in info dumps, flashbacks, or just too much exposition? In this workshop, authors will learn practical techniques for developing and revealing who your characters were and are without slowing down the story of where they’re going

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Included
Networking Opportunities

Afternoon - 1:00-4:30

Tiffany Yates Martin

Continued from Morning Session

How to Seamlessly Weave in Backstory
(without losing your readers)

Master those critical, often misused
storytelling techniques that bring characters to life.

>Limited time access to recorded sessions for the days you register<


Friday Morning or Saturday Afternoon: Book a 15-minute marketing, editing, and/or a book coaching appointment with professional editor, book coach and Best-Selling Author Michele Chynoweth.

For marketing appointments, come with questions or with your current marketing plan. Michelle will share tips to help make your book more successful before, during (or even after) it launches!

$10 Charge

For editing or book coaching appointments, bring your one-sheet if you have it, or a few pages of your manuscript… and any questions or problems you have with structure, plot, characters, dialogue, point of view, etc. Michele will give you answers and advice on making your book better!
$10 Charge


Friday Evening, March 14

6:30-8:00  Page Cuts Critique 

LIMITED SEATING: Additional $10 

Rare opportunity for
Anonymous Read and Critique with industry pros.

An assigned reader will read your anonymous opening page to a panel of industry experts, agents, editors and seasoned writers. Each will give their considered opinion based on the never-before-heard selection.

Invaluable feedback without the pressure of performing. Take notes in private. Panel members will be available for questions at the end of the readings.

>>Live Only - Not Recorded<<

  Friday Evening Extra Session - 7:00-8:00

 How to go Deep with POV

Dianna Sinovic

How to go deep with POV...

Learn how to craft a scene that pulls the reader into an emotional connection with the characters. One approach is to deepen the point of view. It’s not a technique for every page, but when used, it removes a layer between the reader and the story, making the interactions more immediate and powerful.

8:00-10:00  Friday Night Reception

Reception with Hors d’Oeuvres and Cash Bar

Schmooze with our Presenters, Meet Some GLVWG Members

Mark Twain has indicated he may make an appearance.


A Roving Paparazzo Will be Snapping Groupies!

Register for The Write Stuff Here

Registration closes March 2, 2025.

After March 2

to register on space available basis.

Saturday, March 15

Agent/Editor Pitching is Back!

Three Professional Agents/Editors will be Available to Hear Your Pitches

Pick your Agent or Editor. Sign up during registration.

You will be assigned a ten minute slot and will be notified by email.


Amy Giuffrida Agent, Belcastro Agency
In all fiction, I am a sucker for dysfunctional families, messy and unlikable characters, unreliable narrators, diverse casts, undercurrents of social commentary, and twists I couldn’t possibly see coming. On the opposite side of the spectrum, I love stories that are joyful and tender-hearted—it’s hard to make me laugh or cry, but if you have a story that will do either or both…I’d love to see it! I am especially passionate about stories with a feminist slant and about representing BIPOC and historically under-represented voices, so please send me your diverse #OwnVoice stories.
I am closed to ALL picture books and middle-grade.

If you have a strong platform and love what you do, feel free to pitch me a concept. But I’m currently on the hunt for:  Narrative non-fiction, Self-Help for Women and Teens, Pop-culture, Young Adult, Rom Com, Dystopian, Adult, Upmarket Fiction, Horror, SFF 
especially dystopian and grounded sci-fi, Baseball, skiing, farmer/cowboy/lumberjack, or meet-cutes at the dog rescue romances  all heat levels (closed to all other romances)

I am ESPECIALLY looking for: Werewolves and vampires 
especially if written by BIPOC writers.

Please do NOT send to me: Princes & princesses, Erotica, Zombies, Mafia, Pandemic/virus stories, Summer camp stories, Historical, Memoir/Biography, Military-based stories, Novellas, short story collections, screenplays, Previously self-published work, Stories that include: religious themes, suicide, rape, physical/mental abuse, sexual abuse

Ginger Hutchinson, Movable Type Management.
I’m looking for high-concept commercial and upmarket fiction, including thrillers, feel-good mysteries, domestic suspense, rom-coms, horror, women’s and historical fiction. I’m actively seeking archetypal stories with a strong hook, compelling characters and a rich sense of place.

For non-fiction, I’d love to connect with journalists, academics, and experts who deep dive into cultural/political/social ideas in the zeitgeist for a general audience. Some of my personal areas of interest are Film/TV/Entertainment, Architecture/Design, Underrepresented/Unknown Histories, Nature, Social Sciences, and Biographies that speak to the current moment. Nuanced, well-researched and accessibly written from a unique perspective. I’m also open to personal non-fiction and memoirs with a commercial hook.

Lawrence Knorr is Founder and Chairman of Sunbury Press Sunbury Press is a rapidly growing publisher of a wide range of categories. We are always seeking new titles to publish including: history, historical fiction, police procedurals, crime thrillers, horror, steam punk, young adult, children's, current events, science, reference, art history, ANY local/regional history, humor, spiritual/metaphysical, self-help, professional, memoirs, etc. If we didn't mention your category -- try us anyway!

Lawrence has been involved with book publishing since 2000. He holds an MBA from Penn State University, a BA in Business/Economics from Wilson College (minor in History), and is a Project Management Professional (PMP), and Certified Scrum Master (CSM). Lawrence’s 40 year career in information technology, as a programmer, analyst, project manager, CEO, and Chief Information Officer has prepared him well for the “Age of Content” – the era of eBooks, data integration, eCommerce, networks, and artificial intelligence. Lawrence has taught business and economics courses for over fifteen years at local colleges and is the author or co-author over thirty books. He is also an award-winning digital artist.

Lawrence often speaks or is a panelist at numerous writers conferences and book fairs. He also frequently presents history topics at historical societies and venues.


All Times East Coast USA

Saturday, March 15

Fourteen Sixty-Minute Sessions

Plus: Pitch Sessions, Author Publicity Photos,

Banquet and Keynote Speaker, Tiffany Yates Martin

>Limited time access to recorded sessions for the days you register<



Friday Morning or Saturday Afternoon: Book a 15-minute marketing, editing, or  a book coaching appointment with professional editor, book coach and Best-Selling Author Michele Chynoweth.

For marketing appointments, come with questions or with your current marketing plan. Michelle will share tips to help make your book more successful before, during (or even after) it launches!

For editing or book coaching appointments, bring your one-sheet if you have it or a few pages of your manuscript…and any questions or problems you have with structure, plot, characters, dialogue, point of view, etc. Michele will give you answers and advice on making your book better!
$10 Charge

Register for The Write Stuff Here

Registration closes March 2, 2025.

After March 2

to register on space available basis.

Go to the Registration Page and choose Member, Non-Member or Student registration.
Then choose Full Conference Registration or which day(s) you would like to register.

To submit an entry to our Flash Lit contest here: Flash Lit Contest

and Directions and Lodgings for how to get there and where to stay.

Read the Registration Policies page for refund information.

Problem? Question?
Send your question to

Then subscribe to the Write Stuff Blog for Interviews:

Expanded Saturday Course Descriptions:

Tiffany Yates Martin


Making Your Voice Matter in a Crowded Market

In a competitive publishing environment where your writing is literally competing with millions of other works, what sets an author apart is their unique approach, style, story, and voice. Throw out all the noise in your head and trust that deep, honest voice inside you that feels it has something meaningful to say-- and let that voice out

Using Nonverbals to Bring Scenes to Life:

In many manuscripts, while the action and dialogue of a scene may be well established, we are missing much of the dynamics and immediacy of it because we aren't seeing the vast amount of communication that happens silently, with "nonverbals": expressions, demeanors, affects, gestures, body language, tone, volume, etc. Used well, these can paint a more vivid, realistic picture of character actions, reactions, and interactions, and convey much of the meaning and impact of a scene. Without them scenes and characters may feel flat, inert, or as if they're holding the reader at a remove. Overused, they can draw attention to themselves and distract readers, or risk making a scene feel almost comically pantomimed. We'll review the various forms of nonverbals and how to use them to enhance a scene's effectiveness and impact, with specific examples from books, movies, and TV.

Shoring Up Middle-of-the-Book Sag:

Is there anything more thrilling for the creative soul than starting a shiny new story? That sexy little minx seduces you effortlessly, promising you a dazzling future, and in the heady flush of new love it feels as if this perfect communion between you will never end.

And then comes the middle of the book.

But when things get tough, that doesn't mean the story isn't worth fighting for. Figuring out the problem and propping up the sag can often add even more depth and dimension. This presentation and workshop will show authors how to spot what may be derailing their story, and ways to get things back on track.


Michele Chynoweth

Paying to Play...Prioritizing Your Marketing Budget

Facebook ads, contests, conferences, trade shows, printed materials, book trailers, hiring a publicist, getting paid reviews on Kirkus, Launch parties--there are many opportunities to market your book and not all of them are free. Whether you are self-published or working with an Indie or even big publisher, you probably know by now you have to do much of your own marketing...and some of it comes at a cost. Michele will help you figure out how to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to the money you spend on marketing.

Keep 'em in Suspense!

You're writing a suspense novel...but somehow your reader stops turning the pages and scratches their head wondering when, where, why and how your story stopped being suspenseful. To confuse or lose your reader is a "cardinal sin" for authors but it's easy to do when your story doesn't have enough suspense to sustain their interest. Do you start with an inciting incident? Does the tension build to a seemingly insurmountable crescendo and a surprising climax? Is the ending sufficient to leave the reader satisfied? Learn the basics of structure and style to write a truly amazing suspense novel readers can't put down.

Suzanne Mattaboni

Success with Short Fiction

Learn the benefits of writing and submitting short stories to anthologies, magazines, and contests, and how these shorter-form publications can be used as a PR tool.

Busting into Freelance Non-Fiction

Have you ever thought of writing articles or essays for magazines, online sites, or local papers? It's a great way to build up some clips and enhance your bio while getting to know editors and honing your craft.

Make It Big with Awards: How to submit to Award Programs and Publicize Your Novels, Short Stories, and Poem

Winning awards for your material, and for yourself, isn't as intimidating and difficult as many people think. Some awards are given so frequently and to so many titles, you're likely to be able to rack one up for yourself and add it to your resume. Awards can be leveraged as press releases content, put on your website, added to your book cover, and referenced in future pitches. It may require some investment of time and entry fees here and there (unless you're with a big press), but you'll forever be able to call yourself an award-winning writer. And that's got some nice value.

Barry Putt

Memoir Writing

You’ve got a tale that wants telling. How will you tell it? Join us as we explore the terrain of the creative memoir with in-class discussions and exercises as well as additional tools to help shape it.

Screen Writing

Learn how to tell a scripted story using visual language. Story structure, character development, and places to find story ideas will be discussed.

Audio-Drama Writing

An introduction to writing in this exciting dramatic storytelling form including story structure, character development, marketing your work, and more. Participants will have the opportunity to develop an audio-drama scene.

Katherine Ramsland

Forensic Psychology for Writers: Dos and Don'ts

Basic introduction to methods and errors made in fiction and film. Forensic psychology is the application of concepts and research from social, clinical, experimental, and cognitive psychology to the civil or criminal legal arenas. Many fictional depictions of this discipline contain errors and misperceptions. This presentation introduces you to how forensic psychologists actually work vs. how they’ve been presented. There will be opportunities to ask questions about your WIP.

Mental Maps

Perceptual sets provide a geography for character development. Our mental maps act as a cognitive positioning system (CPS) that helps us to mentally navigate our world. Constructs that we absorb, such as gender roles, rules of thumb, protocols, and stereotypes, frame our personal perceptions. Different psychological types view things differently. For your characters, we’ll demonstrate some mapping and look at how mental states, habits, and expectations define their deeper dimensions.

Observation for Writers

Writers are investigators, and investigators rely on the skill of observation. However, it’s more complex than just looking around. Assess your Observational Intelligence Quotient (OQ) by learning about your personal style of perception, decision-making, and problem solving. Then use what you’ve learned to create or deepen your settings and characters. Exercises are included.

     Problem? Question?

    Presenter Bios:

    Tiffany Yates Martin - Keynote Speaker and Main Presenter
    Tiffany spent nearly thirty years as an editor working directly with major publishers. She has worked with
    bestselling New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today award-winning authors. Indie and newer writers have also benefited from her guidance.  Tiffany is the founder of FoxPrint Editorial and author of the bestseller Intuitive Editing: A Creative and Practical Guide to Revising Your Writing.

    She's led workshops, presentations, keynotes, and master classes for conferences and writers' groups across the country. She is a frequent contributor to writers' sites and publications like Writer's Digest, Jane Friedman, Writer Unboxed, and more. Tiffany has experience on both sides of the "page": under the pen name Phoebe Fox, she's also the author of six published novels.

    Michele Chynoweth
    She loves helping writers become authors and is a sought-after conference speaker, professional editor, book coach and founder of “Your Book Done Right” Master Class and Elite Coaching.

    She is also the bestselling author of several award-winning contemporary suspense novels that re-imagine Old Testament stories from the Bible in an edgy, modern-day way, including The Jealous Son which is now being made into a movie.

    A former news reporter, ad agency owner and marketing director, she lives with her husband in North East, Maryland.

    Suzanne Mattaboni
    Award-winning writer and author of ONCE IN A LIFETIME, coming-of-age women's fiction set in the 1980s, Emphasis Press. Seasoned public relations specialist with a demonstrated history of delivering results in the public relations and communications industry. Named one of the Lehigh Valley Business Journal's "Women of Influence" 2022. Named one of the Top Global Channel PR professionals by Forrester Research. Skills encompass media relations, journalism, corporate communications, thought leadership, branding, and electronic media campaigns, in additon to fiction and podcasting. Decades of experience supporting companies ranging from start-ups to billion-dollar corporations.

    Awards for ONCE IN A LIFETIME: IPPY Independent Publishers Award, Pencraft Award, International Book Award, BookFest Award, London Book Festival Award, Paris Book Festival Award.

    Barry Putt

    As a screenwriter he has had six development deals with companies like Omega Entertainment and co-written films such as the multi-award-winning short "Departures." His feature-length screenplay "Omeed’s Tapestries" won the Spring 2024 Santa Barbara International Screenplay Awards Diverse Writers Outreach for Best Screenplay.

    Barry’s work in audio drama includes scripting over fifty productions for companies in the U.S., Canada, and China. His heartfelt version of "Beauty and the Beast" will be released by Blackstone Audio in the spring of 2025.

    Barry’s memoir "In the Middle" won the NJ Wordsmiths Award. He has authored books such as "Stories Told through Sound: The Craft of Writing Audio Dramas for Podcasts, Streaming, and Radio," "A Nutty Tale," and "Alice: Life Behind the Counter in Mel's Greasy Spoon (A Guide to the Feature Film, the TV series, and More)."

    Barry is currently writing "The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew on Film, TV, and Stage" and the "2026-2027 Audio Dramatists Resource Guide." He has appeared on programs and at conferences across the country discussing the craft of writing. Barry holds a degree in dramatic writing from NYU where he leads a script development group.

    Katherine Ramsland
    Dr. Katherine Ramsland teaches forensic psychology and behavioral criminology in the graduate program at DeSales University, where she is Professor Emerita. She has appeared as an expert on more than 250 crime documentaries and was an executive producer on Murder House Flip and A&E’s Confession of a Serial killer: BTK. The author of more than 1,800 articles and 73 books, including Confession of a Serial Killer, The Serial Killer’s Apprentice and How to Catch a Killer, she pens a regular blog for Psychology Today. She has also written a fiction series based on a female forensic psychologist, Annie Hunter, who consults on death investigations. Dead-Handed is her most recent book.

    >Limited time access to recorded sessions for the days you register<

    March 13, 14, 15 - 2025

    Register for The Write Stuff Here

    Registration closes March 2, 2025.

    After March 2

    to register on space available basis.

    Problem? Question?

    Directions and Lodgings

    Flash Lit Contest

    Registration Policies

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