Put something down on paper.
Come to the Writers Cafe. Get instant feedback about your work. New writers to seasoned professionals join together.
If you would like a Read and Critique, bring about 500-750 words to read to the group and get instant feedback about your work. Any genre, fiction or non-fiction, poetry, screenplays or memoirs are all welcome.
We will be limited to 20 readers, in 2 breakout rooms. Room assignment will be more-or-less random. You can still join the meeting, but only the first 20 to register will be able to read their work. Have something ready in case someone doesn't show up.
Readings will be timed at 11 minutes.
750 words takes about 6 minutes to read, so be wise how you use those minutes.
Total registration will be limited to 26.
We will be using Zoom for the Writer's Cafe, and you will get an invitation via email when you register.
- Meeting will start at 6:50. Be prompt!
- Schmooze with fellow writers and meet some GLVWG members.