Lehigh Valley
Writers Group
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Success Stories

Members can post their success stories here.  Published book, articles, awards, acquiring an agent, even a "good" rejection!  Be brief.
  • 28 May 2017 6:40 PM | Dawn Sooy

    "Incarceration" anthology released on May 18th, 2017. Seventeen authors including "yours truly" wrote tales of possible incarceration methods. Some offer harsh punishments for what seems only a minor infraction, but you are able to explore these methods from a safe distance. 

  • 28 Mar 2017 10:53 AM | Michael Daigle

    New member here. Hello. My 2016 mystery, "A Game Called Dead," the second Frank Nagler Mystery, was named a Runner-Up in the 2016 Shelf-Unbound Indie Book Contest. The propulsive story has Ironton, NJ detective Frank Nagler facing an internet terrorist called #ARMAGEDDON in a "game" where the one who best understands the rules, wins. Amazon, B&N, Kobo. Walmart. Imzadi Publishing.

  • 12 Feb 2017 4:48 PM | Anonymous

    In early March, Upon a Field of Gold will make its debut in paperback and ebook. A 60 year old Pennsylvania man acquires the soul of a 19 year old Confederate soldier who was killed in the Battle of Gettysburg. Dan Bryant seeks answers to why he has been chosen to complete a 145 year old love story so short lived by young Joshua Park from Alabama. Obsessed by authenticated flashbacks,  Dan risks losing his family, his marriage to his twenty year younger wife, as well as his own sanity. Based on true events, On a Field of Gold is a compelling story of mismatched souls that transcend time and place to fulfill a promise of eternal love.

  • 15 Dec 2016 8:01 AM | Roy Ziegler

    Dawn's Eerie Light, my new novel, was featured as the Book of the Day on December 11 by the Online Book Club. As a result of the promotion, Online Book Club reported that my book skyrocketed to Number 677 on the Amazon Kindle list! I have receive more than a hundred comments and reviews from readers and authors. I have established links with writers in all parts of the country. This was a very effective and helpful promotion. 

  • 10 Dec 2016 4:49 PM | Anonymous

    First blog article for our 2017 WriteStuff Conference campaign is up on our Wordpress website.  We expect to post a new one every 5 days or so.  

    An Interview with Michael Hauge

  • 09 Dec 2016 1:07 PM | Anonymous

    On November 17th I was at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh for the 2016 induction ceremony of Eta Kappa Nu, the honors society of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers). I was the evening’s speaker and I was also inducted into the Society as a “professional engineer”. The recognition was largely for my eight, recent electrical publications which included seven online courses for registered electrical engineers and a 400-page textbook for engineering students. I truly felt honored to speak to this elite group. The audience included students from the  electrical and computer engineering schools. Carnegie’s computer engineering school was named best in the Nation by US News and World Report; only one in 20 applicants is typically admitted to the School. The electrical engineering school, while not number one, was close behind. – Joseph Fleckenstein

  • 21 Nov 2016 6:40 PM | Anonymous

    My latest book, Sodium Balls, A Reverend's Journey, has just gone to print at Dorrance Publishing Company, Pittsburgh. It is to be released in December (2016). It chronicles my rocky road to the ministry, which took some forty years. I call it my Jonah Journey -- God called Jonah, but he ran the other way. I did too. I wanted to sing opera, which I did for over thirty years. (That story you'll find in Tales of a Tenacious Tenor, ASJ Publishing, 2014, available on Amazon, Goodreads, and other venues. And you don't have to dig opera to enjoy this rollicking adventure.)

  • 02 Nov 2016 2:31 PM | Anonymous

    I have recently published my new children's book, Santa's Day Jobs. Illustrated by Ashley Reigle, the book covers the 12 jobs that Santa works at during the year. Text for each color pic is geared toward kids 6-10. The second part of the book has 14 black and while pics for kids to color and the text was provided by children. You can get signed copies by sending $12 plus $3 postage to me at PO Box 45, Hellertown, Pa. 18055-9998

  • 26 Oct 2016 8:14 PM | Anonymous

    On October 21st Streetlight Magazine published my essay “Cousin Paul.” The Paul mentioned in the essay is Paul McCartney, the famous Beatle. My adventure started when I had tea with a known relative, Ellen Winters. By chance I later learned she was the sister to Paul’s grandfather and that Paul and I are third cousins. Sir Paul and I never met and most probably never will. The piece is about my discovery and some of the personalities along the way.

  • 02 Oct 2016 11:06 AM | Anonymous

    Intrigue, scheming and dirty tricks are not necessarily the exclusive tools of politicians, spies and hit men. No, not at all. History has shown all of these practices are common in the workplace. If you read my latest short story “A Subtle Play” you might find it reminds you of specific situations you witnessed  - or suffered through. The story is free online at Work Literary Magazine. Look for the publication of the week of September 12th

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